In BarretAddictes, the workshop of the centenary Sombrereria Mil in Barcelona, we offer the services of our artisans to the needs of our customers, following the tradition of our business. Bring us your hat and we can customize it: change the ribbon, steam the brim, shape the crown and add some gadgets to make it unique.
- - We custom made your hat at your desire, from the classic fedora hat to the hat used by your favourite character. Everything handmade at our artisan workshop, following our centenary tradition.
- - Do you need a custom made fascinator or pamela for a wedding? We can craft it or costumize it at your style or following the newest fashion trends.
- - If your hat gets dirty, unshaped, deformed and it needs to be fixed, in BarretAddictes, the workshop of Sombrereria Mil, we repair and clean hats, making them new again.
- - Do you have an old hat and you want to restore it? In BarretAddictes, the workshop of Sombrereria Mil, we can restore hats to be able to be used again.